Britain’s best roundabout award goes to Midlands’ ‘oasis in a sea of tarmac’

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    A flower roundabout in Warwick has taken the title of Britain’s best.

    The Roundabout Appreciation Society crowned the eco-friendly junction ‘Roundabout of the Year’ at the annual awards.

    The turning, situated on the grounds of the University of Warwick, was described by judges as ‘an oasis in a sea of tarmac.’

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    It beat off stiff competition from a junction featuring a parliament of owls, as well as a Wars of the Roses-themed intersection in Tewkesbury.

    The structure was designed by an ecology team at the university and features an abundance of wildflowers and plants which are designed to attract bees and insects, and will flower throughout the year.

    President of the Roundabout Appreciation Society, Kevin Beresford, said: “We saw so many wonderful entries from our members this year, but we were especially impressed by the biodiversity of the Warwick roundabout, and that it will continue to bloom throughout the year.

    “Roundabouts are an opportunity to make our roads more green; by providing more green spaces and they also reduce vehicle emissions, as they mean engines or idle for less time than they would be at traffic lights.

    “This is really a roundabout for the future, which we hope more councils will want to consider copying.”

    The top 12 roundabouts in the competition will all feature in a 2024 roundabout of the year calendar.

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    The other roundabouts who received honourable mentions by the judges include an intersection in Bath featuring a Roman-style fountain and one in London which was praised for being a ‘double kerber’ – featuring a two-step kerb.

    Kelly Baker, grounds and gardens manager at the University of Warwick, said: “We are deeply honoured to receive the Roundabout of the Year 2024 title.

    “Our strategic selection and arrangement of plants and flowers ensure a continuous display of bloom and foliage throughout the seasons, promoting ecological balance and integrating nature into our urban spaces.”

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    Winner with judge's comments:

    Winner: Warwick University

    “An oasis in a sea of tarmac – absolutely wonderful and leading the way in saving the planet.”

    Runner up: Bath

    “Gives a feel of being in another country – beautifully restored and in a rare move, has no signage.”

    Third place: Grimsby

    “Beautiful art deco building in the backdrop, and the owl sculptures are very unusual – although we have no idea why they are there.

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    Fourth place Tewksbury

    “Such a magnificent and imposing statue commemorating a battle in the Wars of the Roses that was held nearby. Wonderful to see local heritage being celebrated in roundabouts. Worth a visit.”

    Fifth place: London

    “A very rare ‘double kerber’ roundabout and we liked the tropical tree in the middle, it made it seem a million miles from London.”

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