Thug rapped about killing just half an hour before stabbing a mother

Chilling moment cocaine-addled thug raps about killing someone just half an hour before randomly stabbing young mother to death while her baby slept upstairs – as he is jailed for 24 years

  • Anthony Stinson’s victim was described as ‘fun, full of love and the perfect mum’ 

A cocaine-addled thug who rapped about killing someone just half an hour before stabbing a young mother to death in her home while her 15-month-old baby slept upstairs, has been jailed for 24 years.  

The chilling video shows Anthony Stinson, 31, repeating the mantra ‘I stab your face’ in a rap video before inflicting more than 100 injuries to Charlotte Wilcock.  

His ‘ferocious assault’ took place inside Ms Wilcock’s property, in Blackburn, Lancashire, on March 3, where he stamped on the single mother and slashed her with a Stanley knife.

At his sentencing at Preston Crown Court, prosecutors said his song was ‘grimly prophetic’ as it also included the lyric: ‘I stamp on your face to the floor’.

Ms Wilcock’s has been described as ‘fun, full of love and the perfect mum’ in a tribute by her heartbroken mother.  

Thug Anthony Stinson (pictured), 31, who stabbed a mother-of-two to death in a ‘ferocious assault’ has been jailed for 24 years

Charlotte Wilcock (pictured), 31, has been described as ‘fun, full of love and the perfect mum’ in a tribute by her heartbroken mother

Stinson, who’d never met the mother-of-two before, left her body by her front door and then changed his blood-soaked clothes, before wandering the streets for hours.

Police were only alerted to the horror scene by the defendant the next day after he called 999 on a passer-by’s phone at 7.53am to hand himself in.

During the call, he told the operator: ‘I’ve literally walked past somebody when they were sat at their doorstep and I thought I seen the Devil so I kicked them in the face and I think they might be… I think I’ve killed them.’ 

Stinson later claimed he had been suffering from psychosis and thought he had seen ‘the devil’ when he attacked Ms Wilcock, 31.

But an investigation showed him talking to a shopkeeper while buying alcohol and cigarettes just 15 minutes before his unprovoked attack.

Judge Robert Altham handed Stinson a minimum of 24 years and two months in prison today, saying the effects of his killing could ‘scarcely be imagined’.

The judge told Stinson: ‘This inexplicable killing has left a gaping hole in her family’s lives which will never be filled.’

He added: ‘There were more than 100 injuries. It’s apparent she had been kicked and punched…there were 11 stab wounds to her hands as she sought to defend herself.

‘I have seen and heard that [Ms Wilcock] was a very special and precious individual whose death has devastated the family and beyond.

Stinson later claimed he had been suffering from psychosis and thought he had seen ‘the devil’ but an investigation showed him talking to a shopkeeper while buying alcohol and cigarettes just 15 minutes before his unprovoked attack

‘She has left her children motherless, her mother and father without a daughter.’

Prosecutor Francis McEntee said Stinson had spent the hours before his attack drinking alcohol and taking cocaine at a home in Victoria Street, Blackburn, Lancashire.

During this ‘drug-fuelled’ period, he filmed a rap video of himself where he said: ‘I stamp on your face to the floor, I stab your face on the floor put it on the curb’

In one video he was also heard rapping: ‘I got issues, I got issues and they’re mainly down to drugs misuse.’

At around 8.45pm, Stinson drove with two of his friends to a store in the Mill Hill district, where he was captured on CCTV buying whisky and cigarettes.

Mr McEntee said Stinson returned to the home, before leaving a short while later with a Stanley knife, which he told police he’d planned to use to mug a drug dealer.

But instead, he went to Primrose Terrace where Ms Wilcock was having a cigarette on her doorstep – with his shadow picked up on CCTV footage by her home at 9.09pm.

Mr McEntee said Stinson claimed to see a woman with ‘the devil’s face’ describing her as looking like a ‘red devil with horns, like a cartoon,’ who was laughing at him.

A cocaine-addled thug rapped about killing someone just half an hour before stabbing a young mother to death in her home while her baby slept upstairs. Pictured: Before the attack

And CCTV footage further showed him closing the door to the home after making a ‘forward movement’ towards Ms Wilcock.

Stinson later explained this action, saying: ‘Cos if I’m killing the devil, I don’t want anyone to see it.’

Mr McEntee said Stinson claimed he’d kicked ‘the devil’ to the chin and delivered two punches, before taking a knife out and slashing her until ‘the laughing stopped’.

But prosecutors said he’d shown he was acting rationally as the return of Ms Wilcock’s neighbours at 9.11pm had prompted him to turn off lights inside her home.

Mr McEntee said Stinson took Ms Wilcock’s phone and returned to Victoria Street where he went to the bathroom and changed his clothes.

And CCTV later showed him going back to the scene of the crime to check for signs of police, before phoning them at 7.53am to report the crime, the court heard.

There were wounds to the right side of Ms Wilcock’s neck, including wounds damaging the jugular vein, and wounds cutting down to, albeit not into, the spinal column.

There were also wounds on the left side of the neck that had cut down into the muscles, and knife wounds to the face – one exposing the underlying jawbone.

CCTV footage from a  store in the Mill Hill district shows Anthony Stinson buying cigarettes and alcohol 15 minutes before the attack on the mother-of-two

CCTV footage shows Anthony Stinson before he carried out brutal attack

Carole Smalley, Ms Wilcock’s mother, read out an emotional statement, during the sentencing, saying she had lost her ‘best friend’ through the vile murder.

She said: ‘On March 2023 my life was destroyed.

‘I was aware she had passed away but though it would be some kind of terrible accident… I never thought she would have been murdered by a complete stranger.

‘That man has left two beautiful children without a mum and left me without a daughter… It’s hard to think I will never see Ms Wilcock again and hear her laugh.

‘There’ll be no more birthdays, and Ms Wilcock’s children will be without their mum for their milestones. She was not just my daughter, she was my best friend,

‘I think about how she was left in the house for hours alone, how can anyone leave her like that? This is harrowing, devastating and unbearable.’

She added: ‘She was fun, full of love and was the perfect mum, she was a normal girl who enjoyed life. We all miss you Ms Wilcock and will never forget you.’

Detective Chief Inspector Mark Haworth-Oates said: ‘Charlotte had never met Stinson before that night and had no personal connection to him, but, for reasons known only to him, he saw her and launched a ferocious attack on her. 

‘He slashed at her body numerous times, inflicting well over 50 individual injuries in the process, many with the use of the Stanley knife, as well as punching and kicking her. 

Ms Wilcock captured in a home video which shows her singing along to a Miley Cyrus song

‘Stinson’s explanation the following day, when he called police to report what he had done, was that he was suffering from psychosis and had thought he was attacking a cartoon of the Devil. 

‘He maintained that defence right up until his trial was due to start on Monday, when he finally pleaded guilty to murder, after psychiatric reports failed to support that he was suffering from mental health-related psychosis. 

‘In reality, Stinson went out that night, having consumed large quantities of drugs and alcohol and with a knife in his pocket, intent on causing someone harm. 

‘Our belief is that it could have been anyone that he attacked that night – but, sadly for Charlotte and all who knew and loved her, it was her that he chose and only he will ever truly know the reason why.’ 

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