Scotland lockdown extended: Sturgeon hints at easing measures BEFORE Boris

Nicola Sturgeon slams UK government on publication of figures

Nicola Sturgeon updated MSPs on Tuesday on changes decided by the Cabinet to the current restrictions in Scotland, which was forced into lockdown earlier this month. The First Minister said she will update the Scottish Government about the possible cautious start of lockdown easing and for it to be implemented at the start of March. The dates are a week before Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s plans to lift restrictions.

Ms Sturgeon told MSPs: “We want to get some children back to school that is why Cabinet has reached the conclusion that the lockdown restrictions must stay in place at least until the end of February.

“However if progress continues then I am cautiously optimistic that as more and more people get vaccinated and with the protection of additional measures that we may be able to look at a careful and gradual easing from the start of March and I will give an update on that in two weeks times.”

Mr Johnson has said he hopes children can begin returnign to school from March 8 which would be the start of restrictions being eased.

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