Vile paedo caught when little girl saw him in supermarket and pointed him out

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A dangerous paedophile was finally brought to justice when a little girl he had targeted pointed him out to her dad in a supermarket.

Sicko Ryan Doran, 29, had performed a sex act on himself in front her and another girl while they played in the street.

The vile predator had blocked the paths of the seven and 12-year-old when they tried to leave, but they were eventually able to get away, reports the Liverpool Echo.

Doran, who was previously locked up for groping and stalking nine schoolgirls, denied being the same person, forcing the child to pick him out of a police line up and be cross examined at trial.

But a jury saw right through the pervert's attempts to evade justice and he appeared at Liverpool Crown Court today to be sentenced following his conviction.

Judge Neil Flewitt said he was convicted in 2014 after sexually assaulting nine schoolgirls between March 17 and June 8.

Doran had previously admitted nine counts of sexual assault against the nine victims, eight of whom were under 16 and three of whom were under 13.

The pervert would approach his underage victims from behind and put his hand up the girls' skirts and touch them on the thigh or bottom.

In each instance, dressed in a hoodie, he targeted lone victims or waited for them to separate from a group before striking.

Most of Doran's victims spoke at the time of being unable to go out after, having to be accompanied to and from school, or sticking to playing in their back garden so they could be close to their parents.

Doran was caught by plainclothes police officers on June 5 who became suspicious of him wearing a hoodie on a hot day.

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After his arrest officers found a video of him assaulting one of his victims on his phone.

As a result of that conviction, for which he was jailed for three years, Doran was made the subject of a Sexual Offences Prevention Order for 10 years.

Mr Dillon today said the order "prohibited him from seeking contact with a female child or person under 18 or assisting or befriending such a child".

But he flouted that rule by committing a vile sexual offence against two girls who were playing in the street.

Judge Flewitt said a pre sentence report made in 2014 claimed he there was a "reasonable prospect of rehabilitation" and while he was in prison he completed a programme aimed at male sex offenders.

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The judge said: "Sadly for your victims in the present case neither that programme nor your experience of custody has prevented you from committing further offences." He said the 12-year-old and seven-year-old were playing in the road on August 7, 2019, when Doran "approached them from a nearby alleyway".

He denied being the person who exposed himself to the two children and forced the girl to pick him out of a police line up and subsequently stood trial.

Officers then discovered five indecent images of children, three of which showed a child being raped, on his phone.

The ages of the children in the images ranged from four to 13.

Doran, of Bowmore Way, Wavertree, was convicted of two counts of engaging in sexual activity in the presence of a child, breach of a SOPO, three counts of making indecent images of a child and one count of possessing indecent images of a child.

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Judge Flewitt, sentencing, said: "I note in the time that has passed since the commission of these offences you have secured accommodation and full time employment." The judge said he also noted Doran's charity work and the "support you have provided to your family and friends".

Michael Scholes, defending, read a letter from Doran to the judge in which he said he supported his dad following the death of his grandmother.

Mr Scholes said Doran was "clearly intelligent and articulate" and said he had made "considerable progress both in terms of his mental health and his life generally".

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Doran was deemed a "high risk of further offending" and the judge said he poses a "significant risk of serious harm to female children".

Judge Flewitt said Doran was a "dangerous" offender and jailed him for three-and-a-half years, with an extended three years on licence.

This type of sentence means he will spend at least two thirds of the custodial term behind bars.

Doran will then only be released before the end of his sentence if a parole board considers he is no longer a risk.

A Sexual Harm Prevention Order was also imposed for 10 years and he must sign the Sex Offenders' Register for life.

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